About Us

“We Greet with Hope”

Our story

DSI Therapy was founded by Diana Springstead. She enjoys working with adolescents, families, and helping people thrive in life. We are compassionate to the suffering of others, and enjoy sharing the love. This is our hope through these supportive programs.

DSI is a step in the right direction. We offer many health awareness programs that will calm your storms in life and bring hope for the heart. With these practical love felt programs; we profoundly reduce the risk of todays’ mistakes and build the steps for a bright future.


When we work together we move far beyond situations and empower people to love themselves. We are a tool that brings hope and adds healthy, character traits to any story.

Our mentors have over 25+ years experience in life guidance and health coaching for such a time as this.

Master yoga instructors, TSY instructors; Touch therapy, Master gardeners, Esthetician, homemaking and motherhood mentoring. Survival – life skills 

We believe caring for a home is a high calling. We enjoy coming along side of women that need this boost of encouragement in life.

“I assist with Social-care environments, special training in disabilities, and teen mentoring via neighborhood ministries.”  I have partnered with local community agencies, churches, schools, businesses, and medical professionals. I have participated with Big Brothers – Big Sisters of America, Child Abuse Council, Rescue Mission, Webster House, Girl Scouts, and Community EnCompass. I am a motivated leader in homemaking, home-education, and director of events.”

-Diana Springstead, Founder


We believe there is only one God, who exists for all eternity in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  (Deuteronomy 6:4, Revelation 1:8)

We believe that God has revealed Himself to us  both through His creation and His Word.               (Romans 1:20, Hebrews 1:3)

We believe God continues to reveal Himself to His people through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
( John 16:13-14, 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, 2 Corinthians 6:16)