Reflecting Seeds

Gardens can provide treatment for those struggling with physical or mental illnesses. Gardening is proven to reduce stress. Being outside digging in the dirt can help alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. Seeing the fruits of one’s efforts through gardening can help a person gain confidence and a sense of purpose.

A therapy garden can stand alone as a healing method, or it can be a supplement to a more balanced day.

Our Sessions

With Reflecting seeds, we believe getting your hands dirty is healthy! Our programs and day retreats will help gain confidence as well as help the community friendships.



Group Activities

In the beginning

Reflecting Seeds was apart of Diana’s School of Innovation from the start. This is an excellent tool for adults alike.  Let’s learn the pleasure of doing something yourself and support the community at the same time. Grab your garden gloves!

diana's school of innovation sillouette

Being outside is very therapeutic. Listening to the birds while  gardening is pleasing to others. It helps build relationships and build others around you. The Reflecting Seeds program gives you a chance to mentor those of all ages and be mentored in a fun environment.


I can’t wait to plant my very own flower garden at my farm home! Thank you for all the knowledge DSII recommend this opportunity to all ages. Never to late to learn a new skill.

Sandy from GR

“The gardening helped me relieve my stress, I learned from Diana how it brings a calming effect.”

Priscila, Client

I needed this to help me in my transition in life. It was perfect! This was grounding to me. Thank you for your kindness.

Julie D


I so enjoyed this time! thank you coach! Relaxing time and glad I did!

 ~ Anna